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Sunday 22 January 2017

Grasscutter farming is the most profitable!

Crossbreed grasscutter can help to make emerging farmers successful and they also have a large local and foreign meat market. Jovana Farms breeds and sell these grasscutters to farmers and top class hotels. The crossbreed is bred to thrive under intensive livestock farming conditions in environment where the quality of grass is poor. The breed has
the ability to convert poor-quality forage into meat at very low cost, enabling livestock farmers in these areas to farm commercially.
Contact us for consultancy or attend Jovana Farms seminars nearest to you and discover more opportunities in grasscutter production! Can’t attend? Order a self-tutorial VCD and book for  N7,500. Visit us at, or call 080 33262 808, for more details. Choose also the nearest seminar venue from the advert box in this page or from our website.
Economical farming implies profitable farming. In other words, the more profit you make out of your farming enterprise, the more economical and profitable it is. The livelihood of the farmer thus depends on his farming with that animal or crop which will ensure that he receives the highest possible yield and profit.
He also depends on optimal utilization of each natural resource in such a way that the resource in question will not deteriorate as a result but will rather be improved over the long term. The crossbreed grasscutter fulfils the above aims in the following ways in terms of its characteristics.
Meat of a high quality
Considered in the light of the health-consciousness  that prevails on a worldwide basis, the grasscutter yields white meat of a high quality. The meat is flavoursome, succulent, tender, extremely attractive and very tasty. Currently the meat is much sought after. One cannot do otherwise than predict a rosy future for grasscutter meat originating from crossbreed grasscutter of high quality.
Hardy and adaptable
The crossbreed grasscutter is undoubtedly one of the hardiest small stock breeds on earth, with a great capacity of adaptability.
The crossbreed grasscutter is an excellent breeder, has sturdy legs and mates easily in cages. During dry season when fresh grass is  scarce, the crossbreed probably survives longer than most animals without grass; depending only on supplementary feed.
Resistance to disease
The hybrid grasscutter also has an exceptional ability to withstand and resist diseases. As far as is known, grasscutters do not contract poultry or piggery diseases at all. Their eating habits also make them less susceptible to infection caused by internal parasites.
Fertility and kidding percentage
The crossbreed grasscutter is very fertile and is not seasonally bound. Furthermore, multiple births are the rule rather than the exception, with an average litre size of 6-9. These two important economic characteristics have made the grasscutter very popular.
Abundance of milk
Growth rate is linked to sufficient milk production and good nurturing instincts in females with regard to their young. A doe has enough milk to raise seven kids rapidly.
The crossbreed grasscutter is able to maintain economic production up to approximately age of  4 years. This implies that the percentage of young replacement females which have to be withheld is very low.
Eating habits
Grasscutters prefer fresh vegetation as their basic diet, but their exceptional economic value lies precisely in the fact that they are able to utilize certain plants which are less appetizing to other animals.
As a result, it is possible to farm with antelope, goat, and grasscutters simultaneously without them being in competition with each other to any great extent.
When one considers all these characteristics of the hybrid grasscutter along with all the space available in Nigeria, as well as cheap cages where grasscutters could be successfully accommodated, it is natural to assume that this industry will grow in the future.
Available for sale at Jovana Farms: Grasscutters- Crossbreed grasscutter breeding colony of 1-male and 4-females, castrated & fattened males. Fresh, frozen & smoked grasscutter meat. Enjoy 50% reduction in shipping to any location within Nigeria with orders from 20- colonies and above.
Point of mate: 7-8 months old and pregnant females. Orders shall be on the basis of first come first served.
Fast growth and early maturity: Formulated feed, Minerals-sea salt, oyster shell, grasscutter pellet, live and oil based supplements are available at close to 30% discount – libido, calcium and immune liquid solution are all available.
Equipment: Smoking machines, mobile cages, handling and weighing scales, transport cage, feeders, drinkers, nipples, packaging gadgets for export and others. We sell quality products and brands from the top companies in the industry. We ship throughout the country.

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